From Thu Sep 18 23:51:59 2008 To: Subject: Lazy vs correct IO [Was: A round of golf] Message-ID: <> Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2008 23:51:59 -0700 (PDT) Status: OR Lennart Augustsson wrote > main = do > name:_ <- getArgs > file <- readFile name > print $ length $ lines file Given the stance against top-level mutable variables, I have not expected to see this Lazy IO code. After all, what could be more against the spirit of Haskell than a `pure' function with observable side effects. With Lazy IO, one indeed has to choose between correctness and performance. The appearance of such code is especially strange after the evidence of deadlocks with Lazy IO, presented on this list less than a month ago. Let alone unpredictable resource usage and reliance on finalizers to close files (forgetting that GHC does not guarantee that finalizers will be run at all). Is there an alternative? -- Counting the lines in a file import IterateeM count_nl = liftI $ IE_cont (step 0) where step acc (Chunk str) = liftI $ IE_cont (step $! acc + count str) step acc stream = liftI $ IE_done acc stream count [] = 0 count ('\n':str) = succ $! count str count (_:str) = count str main = do name:_ <- getArgs IE_done counter _ <- unIM $ enum_file name >. enum_eof ==<< count_nl print counter The function count_nl could have been in the library, but I'm a minimalist. It is written in a declarative rather than imperative style, and one easily sees what it does. The above code as well as the IterateeM library is Haskell98. It does not use any unsafe Haskell functions whatsoever. time wc -l /usr/share/dict/words 235882 /usr/share/dict/words real 0m0.024s user 0m0.022s sys 0m0.000s time ~/Docs/papers/DEFUN08/Wc /usr/share/dict/words 235882 real 0m0.141s user 0m0.126s sys 0m0.008s To compare with lazy IO, the code using readFile gives time ~/Docs/papers/DEFUN08/Wc /usr/share/dict/words 235882 real 0m0.297s user 0m0.262s sys 0m0.023s So, choosing correctness does not mean losing in performance; in fact, one may even gain. Can enumerators compose? Well, we already seen the example above (enum_file name >. enum_eof) where the operation (>.) e1 >. e2 = (==<<) e2 . e1 is a flipped composition if monadic bind were considered a flipped application. Here is a more interesting example: count words in all the files whose names are given on the command line. There may be many files given, thousands of them. -- Count the stream. Again, could have been in the library stream_count :: Monad m => IterateeGM el m Int stream_count = liftI $ IE_cont (step 0) where step acc (Chunk []) = liftI $ IE_cont (step acc) step acc (Chunk [_]) = liftI $ IE_cont (step $! succ acc) step acc (Chunk ls) = liftI $ IE_cont (step $! acc + length ls) step acc stream = liftI $ IE_done acc stream main = do names <- getArgs let enumerators = foldr (\name -> (enum_file name >.)) enum_eof names IE_done (IE_done counter _) _ <- unIM $ enumerators ==<< enum_words stream_count print counter We notice that the composition of enumerators corresponds to the `concatenation' of their sources. Declaratively, the meaning of the above code is: -- all the given files are concatenated -- the resulting stream of characters is converted to a stream of words -- the stream of words is counted. Operationally, the code does not open more than one file at a time. More importantly, the code *never* reads more than 4096 characters at a time. A block of the file is read, split into words, counted, and only then another chunk is read. After one file is done, it is closed, and another file is processed. One can see that only one file is being opened at a time by enabling traces. The processing is fully incremental. /usr/local/share/doc/ghc6> find . -name \*.html -print | time xargs ~/Docs/papers/DEFUN08/Wc 3043421 16.99 real 15.83 user 0.71 sys BTW, the program has counted words in 1169 files. It is interesting to compare the above main function with the corresponding lazy IO: main'' = do names <- getArgs files <- mapM readFile names print $ length $ words (concat files) The number of lines is comparable. The execution is not. If we try to run the lazy IO code, we get: /usr/local/share/doc/ghc6> find . -name \*.html -print | time xargs ~/Docs/papers/DEFUN08/Wc Wc: ./libraries/Win32/Graphics-Win32-GDI-Path.html: openFile: resource exhausted (Too many open files)