From Sun Jul 11 15:30:03 1999 Message-ID: <7mb63c$70h$> From: Subject: Lambda-calculi of four built-in CL/Scheme evaluators Date: Sun, 11 Jul 1999 22:33:16 GMT Reply-To: Keywords: Lambda calculus, call-by-value, normal-order evaluation, macro-expansion, reader-macro, Lisp, Scheme Newsgroups: comp.lang.functional,comp.lang.lisp,comp.lang.scheme Organization: - Share what you know. Learn what you don't. Summary: Lambda-calculi of run-time, macro-, reader-parser and reader-lexer evaluators in a CL/Scheme system X-Article-Creation-Date: Sun Jul 11 22:33:16 1999 GMT X-Http-User-Agent: Mozilla/4.08 (Macintosh; I; PPC, Nav) Sender: Content-Length: 6109 Status: OR This is a simple observation that run-time, macro-, reader-parser and reader-lexer evaluators in a CL/Scheme system implement two different versions of lambda-calculus, in an interesting alternating pattern. At one end of the hierarchy is the regular, run-time evaluator/interpreter. When presented with a function application, it evaluates the arguments first and only then executes the body of the function. That is, given a term with several applications, the innermost one is evaluated first. This call-by-value lambda-calculus is too eager, and thus can fail where the normal lambda-calculator succeeds: (define (bottom) (bottom)) (define (first . args) (and (pair? args) (car args))) (let ((x (first 1 (bottom)))) x) ==> fails to terminate or, in e-lisp (defun bottom () (bottom)) (defun first (&rest args) (and (consp args) (car args))) (let ((x (first 1 (bottom)))) x) ==> Lisp nesting exceeds max-lisp-eval-depth Although the function 'first' actually uses the value of only first of its arguments, the run-time interpreter evaluates the other application's arguments anyway; one of them, (bottom) fails to yield any result. What distinguishes a Lisp/Scheme interpreter from an applicative-order lambda evaluator is that the former always tries to reduce a term to a value -- to anything but another application. Presented with an application (X Y) where X is not a known abstraction (function), a Lisp/Scheme interpreter fails. A macro-expander is also an evaluator in a Scheme/Lisp system; it works at compile-time. Interestingly, it supports a different order of evaluation. A macro-application is in no hurry to expand its arguments. Rather, the first, the leftmost macro is expanded first; the result is re-scanned, and if it contains any applications they are evaluated in turn. This "second scan" behavior seems characteristic of normal evaluators (pun intended). A macro-expander is not eager to reduce everything to a value: when presented with a form (X Y) where X is not a known macro, the expander leaves it alone. Just as a (normal) lambda-evaluator will. The result of an application may therefore be another application -- that's why the second pass is necessary. (define-macro (bottom) '(bottom)) (define-macro (one) 1) (define-macro (first . args) (and (pair? args) (car args))) (define (y) (let ((x (first (one) (bottom)))) x)) (pp y) ==> (lambda () (let ((x 1)) x)) This shows that the normal lambda-evaluator is able to reduce the form that the call-by-value interpreter above has tripped upon. Of course, if you write in your source code (define (z) (let ((x (first (bottom) (one)))) x)) your compilation will never finish. Reader-constructors and Sharpsign-Dot are also evaluators, only during read-time. They both help a reader to make sense of a particular sequence of characters and compute the corresponding (internal) Lisp/Scheme object. Sharpsign-Dot syntax is a familiar Common Lisp feature. Reader-constructors are a bit restricted version of them: read-time applications, which I'm trying to introduce into Scheme: Both of these evaluators implement the applicative-order, call-by-value lambda-calculus. Both can suffer from their eagerness. ; Reader-ctors and the corresponding sharp-comma syntax ; see the link above for details (include "read-apply.scm") (define-reader-ctor 'bottom (letrec ((x (lambda () (x)))) x)) (define-reader-ctor 'one (lambda () 1)) (define-reader-ctor 'first (lambda args (and (pair? args) (car args)))) (with-input-from-string "#,(first #,(one) 2)" read) ==> 1 (with-input-from-string "#,(first #,(one) #,(bottom))" read) ==> fails to terminate Thus even reading of your code may never finish. Again, just like run-time interpreters, read-time evaluators are over-anxious: they will reduce every (read-time) application to a value -- or die trying. Finally, the Reader itself implements the normal lambda-calculus again. Reading and interpretation of input stream may be considered as evaluation of the following Lambda-calculus term (application): \c.(p c) #\1 #\2 #\{ #\3 ... where the input stream is "12{3..." and p is a parser abstraction. The first reduction of this term leads to an application (p #\1), which will yield another abstraction, \c.(p1 c). Here p1 is a function with knowledge that the parser p has just ate #\1 and wants more. The original term becomes: \c.(p1 c) #\2 #\{ #\3 ... or, after one more reduction, \c.(p12 c) #\{ #\3 ... Function p12 applied to #\{ notices that this delimiting character can't possibly be a part of the number representation, and yields: (consume 12 ((p #\{ ) #\3 ... )) This term contains two applications: that of consume and the other of p. A normal-order calculator will start with the former. If 'consume' decided not to read more from the input stream, parsing of #\{ character will not be attempted. On the other hand, a call-by-value (applicative-order) evaluator will try to completely parse the rest of the stream first. If the character #\{ is invalid -- or worse, if #\{ is a _bottom_ character, a bummer ensues. Fortunately, Lisp/Scheme reader is a normal calculator, as the following examples show. This evaluator also has a symptomatic 'second-scan' trait mentioned above for normal evaluators, as a reader-macro function is allowed to recursively call the Lisp reader as well as backtrack the current reader stream. ; A bottom-character in CL (set-macro-character #\{ #'(lambda (stream char) (unread-char char) (values))) (read-from-string "12{3") ==> (12 . 2) ; Make a #\{ a bottom character in Gambit (##readtable-char-handler-set! (##current-readtable) #\{ (lambda (re c) (display "damn!\n") (##read-datum re))) (with-input-from-string "12{3" read) ==> 12 Please don't try to explicitly read the bottom character, as in (with-input-from-string "{3" read) The examples above run within emacs, albeit in different buffers (Inferior Gambit or *scratch*)