From Wed Oct 31 20:48:37 2001 Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2001 17:48:33 -0800 From: ( Reply-To: ( Newsgroups: comp.lang.functional Subject: Re: Non-local arithmetic. Was: Help! Which language is it? References: <> Message-ID: <> Status: OR Jerzy Karczmarczuk wrote in message news:<>... > > That might be a bit slow, but it would get the principle down. There > > are probably more efficient ways of representing things, and laziness > > might come in useful. > I am not sure about that last point. Actually, that _can_ be done. It is slow, unwieldy -- but eminently possible. Monads and lazy evaluation come in very handy. This article shows the example. The key insight is that we don't need to "symbolically" manipulate distributions. We represent a random variable by a function, which, when evaluated, generates one number. If evaluated many times, the function generates many numbers -- a sample of a given distribution. We can combine such functions into expression. At the very end, we evaluate that expression many times -- which gives us the final sample. From that sample, we can compute the estimate of the mathematical expectation, and the estimate of the variance (and of higher moments if needed). This is basically a Monte Carlo approach. True, Willem Kahan doesn't like it -- when it is applied to numerical instabilities that is. In physics, this is a highly justified approach. Most (all?) of our experimental results are ensemble averages. As an example, we compute the center and the variance of sqrt( (Lw - 1/Cw)^2 + R^2) which is the impedance of an electric circuit, with an inductance being a normal variable (center 100, variance 1), frequency being uniformly distributed from 10 through 20 kHz, resistance is also uniformly distributed from 10 through 50 kOm and the capacitance has a square root of the normal distribution. I admit, the latter is just to make the example more interesting. The framework first: import Monad -- An integer uniformly distributed within [0..32767] type RandomState = Int random_state_max::RandomState random_state_max = 32767 type RandomGen = RandomState -> RandomState newtype RandomVar a = RandomVar ( RandomGen -> RandomState -> (a,RandomState) ) instance Monad RandomVar where return x = RandomVar $ \gen state -> (x,state) -- deterministic variable (RandomVar x) >>= f = RandomVar $ \gen state -> let (v,state') = x gen state RandomVar x' = f v in x' gen state' -- Other morphisms and monad constructors -- A random number uniformly distributed within [0,1] uniform_stan:: RandomVar Float uniform_stan = RandomVar $ \gen state -> let state' = gen state in ((fromInt state') / (fromInt random_state_max), state') -- A random number uniformly distributed on [a, b] uniform a b = do { x <- uniform_stan; return $ a+x*(b-a) } add:: (Num a) => (RandomVar a) -> (RandomVar a) -> (RandomVar a) add = liftM2 (+) sub:: (Num a) => (RandomVar a) -> (RandomVar a) -> (RandomVar a) sub = liftM2 (-) mul:: (Num a) => (RandomVar a) -> (RandomVar a) -> (RandomVar a) mul = liftM2 (*) divM:: (Num a,Fractional a) => (RandomVar a) -> (RandomVar a) -> (RandomVar a) divM = liftM2 (/) sqrM:: (Num a) => (RandomVar a) -> (RandomVar a) sqrM = liftM $ \x -> x*x sqrtM:: (Num a, Floating a) => (RandomVar a) -> (RandomVar a) sqrtM = liftM sqrt -- standardized normal distribution N(0,1) -- This is a well-known binomial approximation normal_stan = sub (foldM (\acc _ -> add (return acc) uniform_stan) 0 [1..12]) (return 6) -- N(z,var) normal z var = do { x <- normal_stan; return $ x*var + z } -- square_root distribution sqrt_dist dist = do { x <- dist; y <- dist; return $ max x y } -- Run the RandomVar monad n times and estimate mathematical expectation and -- the variance run_random:: Int -> (RandomVar Float) -> (Float,Float) run_random n (RandomVar mx) = let state = 5 -- initial state gen::RandomGen -- the pathetic random number generator gen state = ((state * 1103515245) + 12345) `mod` (random_state_max+1) samples = take n $ iterate (\(_,state) -> mx gen state) $ mx gen state (m0,m1) = foldl (\(acc_0,acc_1) (v,_) -> (acc_0+v,acc_1+v*v)) (0,0) samples in (m0/(fromInt n),sqrt( (m1 - m0*m0/(fromInt n))/(fromInt (n-1)) )) Now let's see what we've got Main> run_random 5000 uniform_stan (0.49526,0.286909) well, close enough to the expected result. Main> run_random 5000 normal_stan (-0.00557715,0.997899) Again, normal_stan indeed looks like a normally-distributed variable with center 0 and variance 1. We can now do many wonderful things, such as Main> run_random 1000 $ add (normal 10 1) (normal 20 2) (29.9166,2.17711) Back to the impedance however -- compute the impedance of an electric circuit -- z = sqrt( (Lw - 1/Cw)^2 + R^2) impedance inductance capacitance freq resistance = sqrtM $ (sqrM (freq `mul` inductance) `sub` ((return 1) `divM` (capacitance `mul` freq))) `add` (sqrM resistance) -- inductance ct_l = normal 100 1 -- Frequency 10kHz - 20kHz ct_freq = uniform 10000.0 20000.0 -- capacitance ct_cap = sqrt_dist $ normal 1000 10 -- resistance ct_res = uniform 10000.0 50000.0 z = impedance ct_l ct_cap ct_freq ct_res Main> run_random 1000 z (1.51302e+06,286369.0) Here you have it: the average value and the variance. We can repeat the sample with bigger n and watch the convergence -- just as in the regular Monte Carlo method.